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Admin: how to change a group logo

The Group Logo is important because it helps you clearly identify the Group you're working in and more importantly, it's used on the unsubscribe page.

  1. Go to Admin->Groups

    The Images Manager is here: Groups
  2. Select a Group

    Choose the Group whose logo you'd like to change.
  3. Click "Change logo"

    This will open your operating systems file select dialog. Locate the image you want to upload. We recommend a PNG with a max dimension of 250x250.
  4. Click "Upload"

    The file will be uploaded.
  5. There are other ways to do this

    There are two different pages where a user can upload a new logo. This is because you may want to give a user the ability to this, but not give them Admin privileges. The other page is located in the "Settings" navigation at your top right. See Group Settings.