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Templates: how to set up a test send

Testing emails is essential to a successful Campaign. It's surprising how a template can look great in one place, but not in another. The best kind of test is to see your work in it's natural environment. This way you get to test interactivity and really understand what your subscribers will experience. Serious HTML email developers tend to have several different email addresses for various email clients and several different devices as well. Sending to these clients and devices is easy to set up. Enabling the "test" send button for your templates requires just a few steps. Once it's set you can send yourself test emails with just the click of a button.

Here's what's required:

  • A Verified "From" address

    This is simply the email address your email comes from. If you haven't set one up yet, you can learn how here: How to add a from address.
  • A Test Subscriber List

    Your list could include any email addresses that you want to send test emails to. You could set up accounts for different devices you may have or services such as Gmail or Yahoo Mail. You can create a subscriber list by manually entering email addresses or importing a CSV. For instructions on importing please visit this How to import subscribers.
  • A Campaign

    You probably already have a least one Campaign set up, but if not you can set one up here: Campaigns Manger. Be sure to click Tools > Edit Settings and add your Test Subscriber List.
  • An Email Template

    You need an email template assigned to a Campaign and you need to click the setting button to set up a default subject. Set it up here: Templates Manger.
  • Note

    Test sends can be sent from the Template Manager, the Visual Editor and the Code Editor.

Now that all those things are set up, you just have to click the "Test" button, which is in your template manager and looks like this: