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ESP: how to add sparkpost as your esp

This document walks you through account creation at and how to add SparkPost as your ESP at Serious Email.

First, you must create an account at SparkPost and update a few settings.
  1. Register at SparkPost

    Click here:
  2. Add Sending Domain

    Navigate to Account > Sending Domains and add the domain name from which you want to send emails.
  3. Add a DKIM Record to Your DNS

    Typically this is done via your domain registrar. It sounds more complicated than it is. You simply need to add a record to your DNS (domain name server) that includes three things:
    1. The record Type. The value for this is "TXT".
    2. The Hostname. This is provided by SparkPost.
    3. The Value. This is a long string also provided by SparkPost.
    More info here: Setting up DKIM with Domain Providers
  4. Add "Complaint" and "Bounce" Webhooks

    Navigate to Account > Webhooks. First add the "Bounce" web hook:
    1. Click +NEW WEBHOOK
    2. Name it "Bounce"
    3. Enter this into the target URL:
    4. For EVENTS, select only "Bounce". Leave all others unchecked.
    5. Click "ADD WEBHOOK"
    Next, add the "Complaint" Web Hook:
    1. Click +NEW WEBHOOK
    2. Name it "Complaint"
    3. Enter this into the target URL:
    4. For EVENTS, select only "Spam Complaint". Leave all others unchecked.
    5. Click "ADD WEBHOOK"
  5. Get your Access Key

    Navigate to Account > API Keys.
    1. Click +NEW API KEY
    2. Name it whatever you like
    3. Under API Permissions, click "Select All". Leave the "Allowed IPs" field blank.
    4. Click "Add API Key" button.
    5. Copy the API key. You will need to enter this at Serious Email.
  6. Disable Duplicate Open and Click Tracking

    Navigate to Account > SMTP Relay. Under "Engagement Tracking" select "Disable Tracking" and click UPDATE.

Next you must add SparkPost to your ESPs at Serious Email. Click here to visit the ESP settings page: Serious Email ESP Settings
  1. Click the SparkPost button

    Click here to visit the ESP settings page: Serious Email ESP Settings
  2. Enter Secret

    This is required.
  3. Enter IP Pool

    This is not required. Enter this if you purchased an IP at SparkPost. Purchasing an IP is recomended and will ensure better open rates.
  4. Enter Verified Domain

    This is required. This is the domain you verified that you can send from. If some of your from addresses are do not share the same domain name, you can still send using them, but the "From" address will need to use the verified domain. The 'reply to' address can be anything.
  5. Enter Fallback From Address

    This is required. This is a From address that will be used if your 'reply-to' address is not from your verified domain.
  6. Select as Default ESP

    A default ESP is required. If you have multiple ESPs entered, then you must choose one of them as your default.
  7. Click "Update SparkPost Settings"

    This saves the information.
  8. Click "Confirm Credentials"

    This will tell you if you can connect to SparkPost. If this fails, it can only mean that your secret is incorrect. It does not confirm your Bounce and Complaint settings are correct. They are verified at SparkPost.